online coach

Kirsty Melmed Life Coach | Prices
What is the value of coaching? In working out the price of coaching 1:1 with me, I had to work out the value of what you will receive. But how do you put a price on changing someone’s life? I took into account the hundreds of hours I have spent […]

Price – Work With Me

Kirsty Melmed Life Coach | Live Life Authentically Group Program
🎉The ‘Live Life Authentically’ Group Program 🎉 Announcement Alert: It’s time to break out of the box you’ve been trying to fit into and step into your authentic power. Allow your unique, beautiful light to shine while connecting with a community of individuals who are all committed to start living life […]

The ‘Live Life Authentically’ Group Program

Kirsty Melmed Life Coach | Becoming Aware
The first step on the personal growth journey is becoming aware. What does unhealthy feel like? It is only when we know what is not working for us that we can begin to imagine how things could be. Most often we live on autopilot, playing out the narrative which has […]

Becoming Aware | #MindfulMonday