Kirsty Melmed Life Coach | Becoming Aware

Becoming Aware | #MindfulMonday

The first step on the personal growth journey is becoming aware.

What does unhealthy feel like? It is only when we know what is not working for us that we can begin to imagine how things could be.

Most often we live on autopilot, playing out the narrative which has kept us ‘safe’ our whole lives. But this is not true safety. It is stuckness, stemming from fear.

Becoming aware means noticing when this narrative is playing out so that we can begin to choose a different story instead.

Kirsty Melmed Life Coach | Becoming Aware

If you would like support at this first stage of your journey, please do get in touch to book your FREE 30 min Discovery Call with me.

#LiveLifeAuthentically #awareness #personalgrowth 

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